Wednesday 11 April 2012


If there is a lack of money in your life, understand that feeling worried, envious, jealous, disappointed, discouraged, doubtful or fearful about money can never bring more money to you, because those feelings come from a lack of gratitude for the money you have.  Complaining about money, arguing about money, getting frustrated about money, being critical of the cost of something, or making someone else feel bad about money are not acts of gratitude, and the money in your life can never improve; it will worsen.
Sit down and take a few minutes to think back through your childhood before you had any or much money.  As you recall each member where money was paid FOR you, say and feel the magic words, THANK YOU, with all your heart for each instance.
Did you always have food to eat?
Did you live in a home?
Did you receive an education over many years?
How did you travel to school each day?  Di you have schoolbooks, school lunches, and all the things you needed for school?
Did you go on any vacations when you were a child?
What were the most exciting birthday gifts you received when you were a child?
Did you have a bike, toys, or a pet?
Did you have clothes as you grew so quickly from one size to the next?
Did you go to the movies, play sports, learn a musical instrument, or pursue a hobby?
Did you go to the doctor and take medicine when you were not well?
Did you go to the dentist?
Did you have essential items that you used every day, like your toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and shampoo?
Did you travel in a car?
Did you watch television, make phone calls, use lights, electricity and water?
Take a $1.00 coin and write on a sticker that you place around the coin –
Take the dollar with you today and put it in your wallet.  At least once in the morning and once in the afternoon, take it out and hold the Dollar Coin in your hands.  Read your written words and be TRULY grateful for the abundance of money you’ve been given in your life.  The more sincere you are, and the more you feel it, the faster you will see a miraculous change in the circumstances of your money.
If you find yourself in a situation where you’re about to complain about something to do with money, whether it’s through your words or your thoughts, ask yourself:  “Am I willing to pay the price for this complaint?”  Because that one complaint will slow or even stop the flow of money.

From this day forward make a promise to yourself that whenever you receive money, whether it’s your salary for work, a refund or discount, or something that someone gives you that costs money, you will be truly grateful for it.  Each of these circumstances means that you have received money, and each instance gives you an opportunity to use gratitude’s magical power to increase and multiply your money even more by being grateful for the money you’ve just received.
Have a gratitude kind of day.  Thank you.

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