Sunday 8 April 2012


"Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some" Charles Dickens.

First, find a rock or a stone.  Choose a small size that fits in the palm of your hand and that you can close your fingers around.  Choose a rock that is smooth, without sharp edges, not too weighty, and that feels really good in your hand when you hold it.
When you have found your Magic Rock, put it by your bedside.  Clear some space if necessary so that you can easily see your Magic Rock when you go to bed.
Just before you go to sleep, pick up your Magic Rock, hold it in the palm of one hand, and close your fingers around it.  Think back carefully through all the good things that happened during the day, and find THE BEST THING that happened that you're grateful for.  Then say the magic words Thank you, Thank you Thank you for the best thing that happened.  Return the Magic Rock to its place by your bed.
When you look for the best thing that happened during the day, you will search through many good things that happened, and in the process of searching and then deciding on the best one you are actually thinking of many things you're grateful for.  You will also be ensuring that you go to sleep and wake up in gratitude each day.

Counting Your Blessings in the morning and Magic Rock Moments at night ensure that you begin and end the day in gratitude.  Together they can change your life in a few months.  Gratitude is magnetic and attracts more things to be grateful for, the concentration of gratitude over 28 days will intensify the magnetic force of your gratitude.  When you have a strong magnetic force of gratitude, like magic, you automatically magnetize everything you want and need to you.

My Magic Rock Moment was...having my whole family at my place for Easter lunch.  I haven't had a family gathering at my house since my husband left and this was my first opportunity to enjoy a group of people who I feel comfortable with and love having them around.  An interesting side note was that my brother in law's mother passed away last week and he attended the gathering.  It wasn't difficult or an upsetting day.  It was fun loving and joyous.  We kept him involved in conversations and didn't skirt issues but we found that conversations didn't stop but instead flowed through a range of many topics that had us all laughing and generally enjoying each other's company.   I'm grateful for my family.

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