Monday 9 April 2012


Today's magical practice is being grateful for people just as they are!  Even if all of your relationships are currently good, they will increase with your magnificence through this practice.  And with everything you find to be grateful for in each person, you will see gratitude perform its breathtaking magic, and your relatioinships will be stronger, more fulfilling, and more enriching than you ever thought they could be. 

Choose Three of your closest relationships to be grateful for.

Once you have selected three relationships you are ready to set the magic into motion.  Sit down and thin about the things you are most grateful for about each person.  What are the things you love the most about this person?  What are their best qualities?  You could be grateful for their patience, ability to listen, talents, strength, good judgment, wisdom, laugh, sense of humour, eyes, smile, a kind heart.  YOu could be grateful for the things you enjoy doing with the person, or you can recall a time when the person was there for you, cared for, or supported you.

On your computer choose the five things you are the most grateful for.  Look at a photograph as you make the list of five things, begin each sentence with the magic words Thank you, address the person by their name and then write what you're grateful for.

Thank you Kimberley for making me laugh
Thank you Kimberley for being so organised
Thank you Kimberley for not pushing too much when your father and I separated
Thank you Kimberley for showing me what the next generation are all about
Thank you Kimberley for being so outgoing that I have something to strive for.
Thank you Kimberley

Thank you Mum for being the strongest woman I've ever met
Thank you Mum for supporting me when I didn't really know what career choice to take
Thank you Mum for being there when I need you
Thank you Mum for not judging me when my marriage failed

Thank you Mum for being the best mum in the world
Thank you Mum

Thank you Ben for being laid back and relaxed
Thank you Ben for supporting me through the end of my marriage to your dad
Thank you Ben for doing things that you don't need to be asked to do
Thank you Ben for getting me all the TV shows I love and making it a joy to come home
Thank you Ben for taking on two jobs and realising your own dreams.
Thank you Ben.

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