Friday 23 November 2012

Day 12 - Magical People Who Made a Difference

Everyone of use has received help, support, or guidance from other people at particular times in our life when we needed it most.  Sometimes another person alters the course of our life through their encouragement, guidance, or just being there at the right time.  And then life goes on, and we tend to forget those times when one person touched us or changed our life.  Sometimes you don’t even realise the impact a person had until well into the future, when you look back on your life and realise that a particular person was pivotal in magically changing the direction of your life for the better.
Today you are going to think about the magical people who have impacted your life.  Find a quiet place alone sometime during the day today, sti down, and think of three extraordinary people who have made a difference in your life.  Once you have your three people, work with one person at a time and talk out loud to each person as though they were present, telling him or her the reasons WHY you’re grateful to them, and how they affected the course of your life.
Find a quiet place alone sometime during the day, and make a list of THREE people who made a difference in your life.

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