Friday 23 November 2012

Day 16 - Magic and Miracles In Health

We should feel healthy, energized, and full of happiness most of the time, because that is how it feels to have our birthright of full health.  The reality, however, is that a lot of people don’t feel this way very often, if ever. Many people are dealing with illnesses, problems with the functioning of their body, or suffering from bouts of depression and other mental health problems, which are all states of less-than-full health.

STEP 1: Health You’ve Received (Past)
Think about the great health you have received throughout your childhood, adolescence, and adult life.  Think about the times when you felt full of energy, and you were happy.  Recollect three separate times in your mind when you felt on top of the world, say the magic words, thank you, and feel sincere gratitude for those times.  If you think back to the big moments in your life, you will be able to recollect three separate times very easily.

STEP 2: Health You’re Continuing to Receive (Present)
Think about the health you are continuing to receive today, and feel grateful for ever organ, system, and physical sense that is currently working well in your body.  Think about your arms, legs, hands, eyes, ears, liver, kidneys, brain, or heart.  Choose five functions of your body that are well, and one by one, mentally say the magic words, thank you, for each one.

STEP 3: Health you want to Receive (Future)
You’re going to choose one thing you want to improve about your body for today’s magical practice, but you are going to use gratitude’s magical power for it in a very particular way.  Think about the ideal state of what you want to improve.  When you give thanks for the ideal state of anything, you have put into motion to receive back that ideal state.

Recollect THREE separate times throughout your life when you felt on top of the world, and give sincere thanks for those times.
Think about FIVE functions of your body that ARE well, and one by one give thanks for each one.
Choose ONE thing about your body or health you want to improve, and spend one minute visualising yourself with the ideal state of your body or health.  Then give thanks for this ideal state.

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