Friday 23 November 2012

Day 15 - Magically Heal Your Relationships

Choose ONE difficult, problematic, or broken relationship that you want to improve.
Sit down and make a written list of TEN things you’re grateful for about the person you’ve chosen.  Write it down in the following way:
  1.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
  2.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
  3.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
  4.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
  5.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
  6.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
  7.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
  8.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
  9.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
  10.     Name   , I’m grateful for     what   ?
If you chose a past relationship, where you are not in contact with the person anymore, you will feel a peace and happiness fill you, and at the same time you will see other current relationships in your life magically improve.
In the future, if a relationship becomes challenging, remember to use this magical practice immediately.  You will stop the difficulties before they get any bigger, and instead you will increase the magic in the relationship!

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