Friday 23 November 2012


This Magical To-Do List practice will help you with any little day to day problems when you don’t know what to do, or when you simply want something to be done for you.  You will be amazed at the results!
Today, create a written to do list of the most important things you would like to be done or resolved for you, and title your list The Magical To Do List.  You might put things on your list that you don’t have time to do, or don’t want to do, along with any current problems, form the smallest day to day things to bigger life situations.  Think through any area of your life where you need something resolved or done for you.
When you’ve finished making your lit, choose three things from your list to focus on today, and one at a time imagine that each item has been magically done for you.  Imagine that all people, circumstances, and events have been moved to do it for you, and it is now done!  All done, all sorted, all solved for you, and you are giving massive thanks in return for it having been done.  Spend at least one minute on each of your three items, believing it is done, and feeling enormous gratitude in return.  You can follow the same practice on the rest of the times on your list at another time, but there is power in simply putting the things you want done on the Magical To Do List.

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