Friday 23 November 2012

Day 17 - The Magic Cheque

However difficult it may be, you have to ignore your current situation and any lack of money you may currently be experiencing, and gratitude is the guaranteed way for you to do that.  You can’t be grateful for money and disappointed about money at the same time.  You can’t be thinking grateful thoughts about money and have worried thoughts about money at the same time.  Nor can you be grateful for money and have fearful thoughts about money at the same time.  When you’re grateful for money, not only do you stop the negative thoughts and feelings that push money away from you, you’re doing the very thing that brings more money to you.
Today’s magical practice for the money you want to receive has brought astounding results to many people.  At the end of this practice you will find a blank Magic Cheque from the Gratitude Bank of the Universe, and you are going to write out the Magic Cheque to yourself.  Fill in the amount of money you want to receive, along with your name and today’s date.  Choose a specific amount of money for one thing you really want, because you will be able to feel more gratitude for the money when you know what you’re going to spend the money on.  Money is a means to what you want, but it’s not the end result, so if you just thought about money per se you wouldn’t be able to feel as much gratitude.  When you imagine getting the things you really want, or doing the things you really want to do, you will feel far more gratitude than if you were just being grateful for money.

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