Friday 23 November 2012

Day 14 - Have a Magical Day

To Have a Magical Day you need to feel good.  I don’t know of anything other than gratitude that guarantees to put you in a good mood almost immediately.
Whatever your plans are for the day today, whether it’s travelling, a meeting, work project, lunch, exercise, dropping off dry cleaning, playing sport, going to the theatre, meeting a friend, yoga, cleaning your house, going to school, or buying groceries, turn today into a magical day by saying the magic words, thank you, for each plan going well – before you live it!  If you’re a person who write daily lists of things you need to do, then you can go through your daily list and be grateful for each one having gone well.  Whether you do this magical practice in your mind or on paper, the most important thing is that you feel the result of each plan or activity was the best it could have been.
In the morning, work your way in your mind through the plans you have for the day and evening, until bedtime.  With each plan or event, say the magic words, thank you, for it having gone well.  Imagine that you’re saying thank you at the end of the day, and you’re immensely grateful because it went perfectly.

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